Wow what a BUSY week it has been! I'm exhausted! It's been a fabulous week though, so I'm not really complaining! :D hehe
So after Monday, Tuesday was a little bit of a mad rush, as dropped Sprog with her dad, then went to my friend's house (we'll call her F) as she needed to do her nail art coursework on me (I'm a model! LOL!!!) and she wanted to see my Scentsty products (shameless plug teehee). Straight from picking Sprog back up, we went to The Rents' house for dinner and to take over charge of the house for a few days with my sister. My dad took some paintings to the Red Barn gallery in Penrith as they are exhibiting his work for the whole of March and April! :D
Wednesday was an absolutely fabulous day! I lost 2.5lbs at SW this week, and I'm absolutely chuffed! :') then so the antics began! The gorgeous Lullsbud came to visit with her lovely little sprog, and we had the biggest binge on food ever :S woopsie, we went for McDonalds for lunch, then we went cinema to see Peppa Pig and the Golden Boots, we both had nachos as well as our Sprogs' popcorn..... woops..... hehehe then we came back to my Rents' house, and they ended up staying for dinner and we had Pizza Hut Dx hehe
Needless to say, I've felt pretty shit since then.....
Yesterday was very tiring, we had to wake up at Sparrow's fart to take Sprog to nursery, then F picked me up to go back to hers for more nail work :D my nails look lush, she used her airbrush for almost the first time ever, and I've never had airbrushed nails before! Not gonna lie, the pink and black fade looks lush! :D thanks again F! ^_^
When I picked Sprog up, I went and spoke to the admin lady (should have spoke to management) to verbally give Sprog's notice in, to be told it's 3 months notice, not 4 weeks like the FIS had told me!!! Went straight on the phone to FIS, who rang the nursery manager who said it changed from 4 weeks to 3 months for funded placements by way of a signed newsletter! Also, when I've picked Sprog up twice this week, she's been out to play in the rain!!?! She's just got over a cold and comjunctivitis virus!!! So to say the least, even if it means she can't start a new nursery until the spring, she sure as hell won't be going back to her current nursery for very long.....
As for my first Scentsy order, we managed to rack up a bill of £350!!!! That's immense! Looking froward to receiving that order...... My poor little flat will be even more full of boxes.... I must start listing crap on ebay....
Well, I'd better go do some tidying before the rents get back..... Hehehe
Over and out xXx
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