Thursday 17 October 2013

Scratch Scratch Scratch!!! Not For Those of A Weak Disposition......

Fleas!!!! Arrggghhhh!!!!!!

Misty has had fleas for the last couple of weeks or so, and yesterday, we finally got rid of them! After many times of trying to show and prove that she has them!
"She can't settle, look at her scratching constantly, twitching"
"No, she's been doing it a while" x_X
"These little black crusty things are bits of flea poo"
"Are they? They can't be, they're probably just a skin problem" x_X
       I even put some of the flea poo on a piece of wet tissue and showed mum how it smudged as a reddish brown colour...

Other answers to my claims were:-
"But she hasn't been anywhere to catch them"
"Her back is always sensitive when you stroke her like that" [as she arches her back like a cat on heat, and her leg tries to scratch at 1 million rpm]
"Don't be silly, she's fine"

 You'd think that a graduate in this field would be listened to.... 

I've feel totally grossed out, and completely embarrassed; only dirty people with dirty dogs get fleas, right....? =S ironically, we figured out it was when mum was cleaning the kitchen and hall floors that Misty would've caught them, as mum puts the rugs and Misty's bed on the patio-type area, where foxes and hedgehogs frequent! And poor Misty wasn't going to get treated until the weekend, when mum was home!!!

But it all changed yesterday evening when I was sat in the lounge with mum, and Misty laying in front of us, and I saw a flea walk over her back!!! I could only exclaim in disgust! And with that, mum rushed out to Pets At Home (20 minutes before they were due to close), and returned with some shampoo, flea spray for the house and a flea collar! Thank god! So then, at long last, a flea killing spree ensued, the hoover was roaring, Misty was whimpering (she doesn't like baths!), dad was grumbling, and the spray can was whooshing, and within an hour, we were flea free at long last!

It made me laugh though, as when mum was giving Misty her bath, she got scared and called me in to the bathroom as the water ran a brown bloody colour and thought poor Misty was bleeding (remember the flea poo on wet tissue?)... When I reminded her of it, and she realised just how much flea poo there was, she was very quick to apologise to Misty, I'm still waiting for my apology though, but I'm not holding my breath, I never get one lol

Ah well, Misty's much happier now! :D peace and cleanliness is restored, and I had a marvellous and ridiculously long shower last night too lol

Hope I haven't grossed you out too much.... Don't worry, I felt sick myself lol

Please keep +1'ing me, tis much appreciated! Can't believe how many views I've had in just a week or so! Comments, suggestions, etc are also welcomed!

Til next time, toodle pip! xXx

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