Thursday, 29 January 2015

Revelations and Celebrations..... Kind Of..... :)

Wow, another post so soon?! Check me out! Lol

Well since my last post, which was on..... Sunday.....? Maybe? A few kind of exciting things have happened! Firstly, after working out how to work out the financial side of it, I've decided I'm going to finally become a Scentsy consultant :D I can't wait to buy my Consultant's Kit :') then on Monday whilst Sprog was at nursery, I went to visit my nan and we sat and did a little bit of training, we gave each other a bit of a reading, and she told me she was being told to tell me to "grow a pair" lol so I did! For once! The next day on Tuesday, I finally sprouted a rather bulbous pair and spoke to Sprog's dad over a handover coffee about how I want to move away to Great Yarmouth/Caister, and not only did he agree and approve of it, he's fully and completely supportive of this move! So much so, he said he wants to move away with his new-ish gf and their new baby as he doesn't want to bring a child up in this area! :D

Also on Monday, I saw that there is a new tea room about to open up in town, which had an ad in the window for full and part time vacancies, so, naturally, I applied, and then had an interview on Tuesday! Unfortunately I did't get the job, but after working out all the finances and implications of working whilst Sprog is at nursery and with her dad, on top of being a Scentsy consultant, well basically I'd be stupid not to! I'd be so much better off financially, and I'll also have something extra to do! So I then went and applied for a couple of other jobs too! Wish me luck! ^_^ hehe

Lastly, yesterday after Slimming World (I gained half a pound, boooo!!!), Sprog and I went off to visit our dear friends Lullsbud (follow her, she's lovely!) and her gorgeous little one at their new home in Stevenage ^_^ thanks for a lovely day guys ^_^ <3 xxxx We also both decided that we're going to have a bash at vlogging too! On top of our blogs hehe 

Like, share, +1, comment, let me know if you'd like me to write about a subject in particular :) xxxx

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