Over a month!!!!!!!!!! Bad Sophie!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hehe
In my defence, I have had 6 of the CRAZIEST weeks EVER! Well you all know Sprog and I were ill a fair amount, of which after my last post (on 11/02!!!) I got a tummy bug, but thankfully Sprog got off rather unscathed!
On 23rd Feb, my best mummy friend and I went to the Work and Family Show at the London Excel and had a most excellent day! And we might have managed to somehow sneak in to the Baby Show completely unnoticed as well....! Teehee shhhh ;-) however, after a 10 minute consultation with a lovely health coach (she's very good! Her name is Lyndy Stanway Marsh, Google her!), my mood quickly deteriorated over the proceeding days, and I had to admit to myself that I didn't feel good (very tearful, etc). I guess everything that I've been through in the last 2.5 years just came rushing back to me, and rugby scrum tackled me to the floor!
So! After some very tearful, stressy bad days, catalysed by Sprog deciding she doesn't like some foods anymore, and so being hungry in the night and needing bottles, so therefore feeling insanely tired; along with a bad sleep routine and lack of physical activity and healthy eating, I eventually got the kick up the arse I needed from my Mummy and my Nanny. Somehow, I am now starting to feel much better again, and slowly starting to incorporate more things back in to my life that are for me, not us, although they all benefit Sprog as well! :) I've started hitting the gym more regularly (TWICE a week!!!!) thanks to a very lovely friend affectionately known as Russia! I'm now also looking for part time work, and will be seeing a careers advisor on Thursday so I can start to better plan my future again! :)
Today, after an immense gym sesh, and catching up with a rather fetching personal trainer, I had a lovely health visitor come round to see that I'm getting on ok after my meltdown, and she directed me to a most helpful website to help with the future...... http://www.hiddenhurt.co.uk/warning_signs.html I think I might even print off a copy, or make my own brief "cheat sheet" to keep close at hand for when I need it....... And I know I will need to refer back to it eventually..... And after reading it, I notice so many things are so close to home with how things went for me! Please pass on this link to girl AND guy mates who are in need! Too many people fall victim to domestic abuse!
And on that bombshell (I've been watching too much Top Gear....) Imma sign off and hit the hay! Yes, it's a more reasonable time compared to my 1am bed times from like a month ago!
Looking on to bigger and better things! Keep smiling and keep your chin up! ....and the other one..... Looking at you Russia xD haaaaa <3