Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Full Status Report, Sir!

Just an update on our health, nothing to see here! Lol xD

So after last Friday's trip back to the docs, I got some different eye drops, and my red eyes seem to now be clearing up beautifully ^_^ Sienna's on the other hand.... Well it seems to be coming back.....!"£$%^&*()@:P{(*&^%

Back to the docs tomorrow. Again. Arse.

*dry sobs uncontrollably*

BUT!!!!!! My best mummy friend and I (Sprog's best friends' mummy!) have been talking today, and we've decided we're gonna look at booking a hollibobs together :D found a good deal for 7 nights in Haven Caister in May, for 45% off! :D We're gonna book it tomorrow if I can get my dad to drive us there and back, as it's leaving and returning on Fridays....

Anywho, hopefully, tomorrow will mean that Sienna gets the same new drops that I'm on, meaning that her eyes will clear up completely by the weekend- hopefully.... Sienna has a party to go to! Lol at least, by Monday, we should be well enough to start going back to playgroup again! *fingers, toes, arms, legs, eyes and butt cheeks(?) crossed!*

Please keep +1-ing, liking, reading my posts, and please leave comments! Would be nice to hear from my readers, all 50+ of you! 

Over and out! Nighty night


Friday, 7 February 2014

It's Like Those Miserable Psalms....

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^^^ Yes, as mentioned above, I am also now on Bloglovin :)

 Also, 10 points if you can guess where the title of this post is from.... ;-)

Ok, now, I apologise for this post, as it is just a major rant..... So, for the last few weeks now, life has been...... Shit. Lol. Sprog and I have had the flu and conjunctivitis for the last 2 weeks, and the first week, she had a spot of flu, and I felt like I had a really mild form of conjunctivitis. So, like any good mummy, (or person, full stop), we've kept ourselves in quarantine except for necessary trips to Tesco, and the Docs! Such fun.... ¬_¬ grrrr. As you can imagine, and understand, we are going stir crazy, doolally, cabin fever! Poor Sprog, she's not had anyone to play with!

In the last few days, we have got over the flu, I've felt fine 98%-100% since Wednesday morning, although as I write this, the side of my tongue feels really sore.... *feels tongue* yep, an ulcer, nice one body! And our conjunctivitis still hasn't gone, despite 2 trips to the docs for eye drops! Going back AGAIN tomorrow.... I might as well move in :( *sigh* I hope it clears up properly this time >_< had to cancel so many exciting events already! Had Sprog's Other Grandad's birthday get-together that we couldn't attend, as well as playgroups, many outings, play-dates and my night out this coming Saturday! Gutted! 

To try and cheer myself back up, I have actually done a little bit of internet shopping on Zulily ( I LOVE this website, it's full of mummy's favourite flash sales and absolute bargains! I've got some awesome stuff from here!) My most recent purchases include an uber cute cupcake wall clock, which I ended up acquiring for free, as they didn't have the colour I ordered (I got green instead of pink, it's still cute! RESULT!!!), plus I'm waiting of a pair of 50's style shoes, a gorgeous smart dress for Sprog to wear to a mummy friend's wedding in June, plus some books for Sprog, aaaand.... I think that was everything..... All so cheap!!! :') Oooh, and a gorgeous pair of black wedge boots! :') can't wait to get them teehee 

Anywho, I'm now looking to the near future, looking forward to being well again (I can't even remember what it feels like being "well"!) At least I'll appreciate my health more from now on, maybe this is the kick up the arse I need to sort myself out.... Will keep you posted hehe

Thanks for reading, my ratings are definitely higher than I could have imagined, please keep reading, and please comment, +1, follow me, and keep supporting me! :)

Love you much (as Sprog says! :') teehee)
